What is gratitude?
Wow, what a feeling!
Definitions can sometimes be limiting. They set values, parameters and can be excluding: that is good, this, not as much.
Gratitude, however, is defined by and broadcasted in our thoughts & behaviors. Are we able to smile when not getting what we want? Can we treat ourselves with kindness after having made a mistake?
Since we’re able to plainly see many, many humans in much more challenging situations, why would we ever forget to react with gratitude in the exact moment we’re triggered by tbh, meaningless and inconsequential events?
Gratitude is an overwhelming feeling which infuses everything we think, every word we speak and every action we take. As with anything new, the more we practice, the more integrated gratitude becomes with our lives. It feels awesome for our hearts to act with kindness and love, as the vibrations these practices cast, always resonate in a positive way in our soul.
As we continue to experience, learn and grow, we’ve realized: living with gratitude is the way we exhibit love for ourselves.
Namaste, Maurice
What is a man?
Waking up IS the most beautiful gift!
In our amazing world, most seem to have a concrete idea of the essential ingredients, with the appearance of material success being the most revered. Stoicism, fearlessness and self-reliance are seen as powerful.
To depend or even need others, generally viewed as a diminishment and a true belittlement of who we are.
Nevertheless, many of us have realized being gentle, kind and able to talk about our feelings openly are part of the essential qualities which help us strengthen our connection to ourselves and others.
In our hearts we’ve realized fear is the actual limiter and unwelcome constrictor to our growth.
The unfounded fear of being less, of being judged, of appearing weak and incapable distances us from progress, expansion and most pivotal, of our development.
Honesty, integrity, patience, emotional maturity are really what we need to practice.
An open heart, exposing itself to feeling and healing, will allow us to begin our path to becoming a beautiful man. Which deep down, we all are.
Namaste, Maurice
We are alive, here
Waking up is always the most beautiful gift!
It’s Christmas and we’re alive! Happy Holidays to each and everyone of us!
Do we believe life episodes are predetermined, Universe-designed incidents for us to observe as we experience them? It’s honestly, inconsequential to question what is. Why is a flower yellow? ;-)
My accident took place exactly two months ago. What better gift than to be here, alive?
And to finally begin to feel almost pain free lol and notice remarkable improvements in strength and range of motion? It’s beautiful, amazing and sooo welcomed!!
Waking up on this bed, the ER nurse did say she admired the fact the main concern expressed was not if, just rather when Yoga would be feasible for this arm to practice. The determination to be healthy does help to override the extreme hurt of the Physical Therapy, as well as the anxious thoughts, which honestly, swiftly arrive and depart with similar consistency.
Bye bye!!
And of course: your calls and cards, your gifts, food, candy, your beautiful and encouraging words, your hugs and love only reinforced the certainty: surrounded by love, we are never alone.
The path will continue revealing itself as we Flow in it. It will be traveled and in our practices, we realize: we decide how we feel. We absolutely choose.
Just one of our superpowers.
Namaste, Maurice